New Workshops
Join Denis for a series of six workshops that will allow you to explore and master new energy and different vibrations associated with healing. Emphasis will be placed on experiencing different energy treatment techniques on yourself and others.
The workshops are targeted to all individuals who would like to enhance their knowledge of healing and self healing.
Come to the workshops with an open mind. Also, come to meet other people and share your experiences with them.
Themes of the 6 workshops:
- Clearing blockages
- Setting intention
- Divine connection
- Expanding your cylinder
- Focusing (centering) your spirit
- Manifesting abundance
The workshops are offered in French and in English at the home of Denis Chagnon, Val-des-Monts, near Gatineau, Quebec. They are also offered in English at the Nangor Resort near Pembroke, Ontario.
The dates, hours, and language of each workshop are outlined in the schedule, which is available on the blog.
Each 4-hour workshop (1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekends)
- $50.00 – at the home of Denis Chagnon, Val-des-Monts, Quebec
- $60.00 – at Nangor Resort, Pembroke, Ontario
Contact for Registration:
Denis Chagnon
Email: –
Phone: - (819) 671-3139
Denis Chagnon - (near Gatineau) 1604 Montée Paiement, Val-des-Monts, Qc
Nangor Resort – (near Pembroke) Westmeath, Ontario
Schedule for 2010
For the recent schedule of events, please visit the Events Calendar on my web site.
Treatment and Workshop Schedule:
April 13-14-15 and 20-21-22: Private treatments, Val-des-Monts (Gatineau)
April 9-10-11: Private treatments, Toronto
April 17-18: Private treatments, Montréal
Sunday, May 2: Workshop Divine connection (English), Pembroke, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
May 4-5-6 and 11-12-13: Private Treatments, Val-des-Monts
Saturday, May 8: Workshop Divine connection (French), Val-des-Monts, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, May 9: Workshop Divine connection (English), Val-des-Monts, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
May 14-15-16: Private treatments, Toronto
May 29-30: Private treatments, Montréal
For the recent schedule of events, please visit the Events Calendar on my web site.
June 1-2-3- and 8-9-10: Private treatments, Val-des-Monts
Saturday, June 5: Workshop Expanding your cylinder (French), Val-des-Monts, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, June 6: Workshop Expanding your cylinder (English), Pembroke, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
For the recent schedule of events, please visit the Events Calendar on my web site.
June 11-13: Workshop in Elkwater-Cypress Hills
June 15-16: Medicine Hat - Private Treatments
For the recent schedule of events, please visit the Events Calendar on my web site.
June 18: Fox Valley, Sask. - Meet & Greet 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
June 19: Fox Valley, Sask. - Private Treatments
June 22-23-24: Edmonton - Private Treatments
For the recent schedule of events, please visit the Events Calendar on my web site.
June 25-26-27: Vancouver - Private Treatments
July 15 - 18 - for details, see Events Calendar on my web site.
Four-day (bilingual) Retreat/Workshop, at the home of Denis Chagnon, Val-des-Monts.